You may have witnessed your employer engaging in illegal activities such as gender or racial discrimination. Or you may be witness to your employer committing fraud against the government. If so, you might have a whistleblower case on your hands.
You are in an uncomfortable position. Should you alert the authorities or should you simply ignore it and look the other way? You fear what repercussions might arise if you were to report the illegal activity. What if you should lose your job?
There are several good reasons to report this illegal activity. If the illegal activity is occurring in your workplace, whistleblowing could help you avoid liability for your role in the company. If you have witnessed false claims against the government, you could benefit from federal and California laws that provide the whistleblower with a percentage of the money reclaimed from false claims litigation. In addition, the law protects whistleblowers from retaliation by their employers.
If you have witnessed any such illegal activity, contact CounselOne for a free consultation to discuss your rights and options going forward.
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